Sunday, 19 August 2012

Reading and Drama

Quite often, we will try to include a bit of drama as part of our reading rotation.  This includes reading something with expression and acting it out.  When we have the bloggie, it is great to video.  While I videoed this one, the children also had the opportunity to have a turn videoing as well.

As we had looked at writing around the fireworks during the closing ceremony of the Olympics, this was an ideal opportunity to act out something on fireworks. .


  1. Doing actions as you listen to what is being read is a lot more fun than just sitting there isn't it? You were all excellent fireworks!

  2. Elisa read The Ugly Duckling to me at home, with all the actions and lots of movement. She pretty much needed the whole lounge. It's so great to see her excited about doing plays.
