Wednesday, 24 October 2012


Thanks I now have all the forms back.

Remember your colours for tomorrow

Surname A- G  - wear green
Surname H -Q wear yellow
Surname R- Z wear white

Please remember drink bottle, hat, packed lunch and morning tea.  They are selling food and drink there so bring some money if you wish.

Ms G.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Athletics Day

Hi - these are the permission forms I have had so far

Bailey Smith
Dylan Adam
Katy Gribble
Jayden Thompson
Jackson Wills
Elisa Prattley
Dylan P
Hollie Raven
Keelyn Veitch
Jaime Sanderson
Joshua Emmerson
Kyrus Dowling

It is possible that your permission slip might have been sent in with an older brother or sister.  I am checking with other teachers today.  If this is not the case please return slips ASAP.
